Policy Allocation Screen_Rule

The following is a syntactical description of the allocation configuration for the PolicyAllocationScreen rule. It is important to understand the main elements of this rule. They are the same elements that are used in the TransactionAllocationScreen rule.

  • <PolicyAllocationScreen> This is the main element.
  • <AllocationDate>[Policy:PlanDate]</AllocationDate> This indicates that funds and models available for allocation should be based on the plan effective date specified in this element. Default for Allocation Date is AsPolicy:PlanDate.
  • <Precision>: Precision at this level will define precision for all allocation types if not defined at the individual allocation type level.
  • <PercentPrecision>: [Constant]</PercentPrecision>
  • </Precision>
  • <AllocationType TYPECODE="[AllocationTypeCode]">: AllocationType uses the type code to specify the allocation that the following configuration will apply to. Multiple allocations can exist at the policy level, but each is configured separately. The type codes are found in AsCodeAllocationType.
  • <Allocation SWITCH="To/From" ALLOWMIXEDMETHODS="Yes/No">: The Allocation element is required and begins the actual configuration of the allocation, but the SWITCH attribute is optional and indicates that the allocation is a transfer. The ALLOWMIXEDMETHODS attribute is also optional, and defines whether mixed allocation methods are allowed.
  • <AllocationMethods>: A container element for the individual <AllocationMethod> elements.
  • <AllocationMethod>[AsCodeAllocationMethod code value]</AllocationMethod>: Specifies the allocation method(s) being used.
  • </AllocationMethods>
  • <Funds>: This starts the fund section, which is used by OIPA to determine the funds available to a user.
  • <FundLimit>[Integer]</FundLimit>: This limits the amount of funds a user can select in OIPA.

  • <ValueRanges>
  • <Percent MINIMUM="[Constant ]" MAXIMUM="[Constant]"/>: Use this to set Min/Max limits on how much a user can allocate.
  • </ValueRanges>
  • <FundCriteria>:This starts a filtering configuration for funds, to limit or define what funds a user can see.
  • <Query>: In this section, query can be initiated to filter initial list of funds that is existing in a policy
  • <FundFields>: In this section, configure actual fixed or dynamic fund fields as criteria for the funds an OIPA user will have for allocation selection.
  • <FundField FieldName="[Fund Field Name]" DATATYPE="[TEXT (DEFAULT)|INTEGER..]" OPERATOR="[Equal|NotEqual|Like]">: Name a fund field from AsFund or AsFundField and use an operator to filter the funds the user will be able to see.
  • <Value>[Literal or Policy:PolicyField]</Value> ... </FundField>: This demonstrates repeatability of this element.
  • <FundField FieldName="[Fund Field Name]" DATATYPE="[TEXT|INTEGER|..]" OPERATOR="[Equal|NotEqual|Like]">: This demonstrates repeatability of this element.

  • <Value>[Literal or Policy:PolicyField]</Value>: This demonstrates repeatability of this element.

  • </FundField>

  • </FundFields>

  • <FundStatuses TYPE="[INCLUDE|EXCLUDE]">: Include or exclude funds by status.
  • <FundStatus>[Status as in AsCodeFundStatus]</FundStatus>: For a fund that is associated to a plan, the status is set on the Plan Fund Status page in the Rules Palette and saved to AsPlanFundStatus. The code is derived from AsCodeFundStatus.
  • <FundStatus>[Status as in AsCodeFundStatus]</FundStatus>: This demonstrates repeatability of this element.
  • </FundStatuses>

  • </FundCriteria>

  • </Funds>